Un comic sobre cosas que hacemos sin saber porqué.
Comics about things we do without knowing why.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Thanks, as usual, to Cristián Frías for the translation. I just set up a LIVEJOURNAL account for these comics too! It's called AUTOMATIC DRAWING, but it's the same thing, you know.
"Rayuela", yes. Also, Cortázar is one of the main writers of short fiction in spanish language. He wrote poetry too, but as always happens when a poet becomes succesful writing fiction, nobody cares about his poetry at all.
I agree with her
This is strange, I just heard about La Rayuela (sp?)the other day.
"Rayuela", yes. Also, Cortázar is one of the main writers of short fiction in spanish language. He wrote poetry too, but as always happens when a poet becomes succesful writing fiction, nobody cares about his poetry at all.
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